Septic Systems
Signs That Your System is Failing
- Sewage backup in drains and toilets.
- Slow flushing toilets, slow draining sinks and drains.
- Visible liquid on surface of the ground near septic system. It may or may not have an odor associated with it.
- Lush green grass over the drain field, even during dry summer weather. This can indicate an excessive amount of liquid from the system moving up through the soil, instead of downward, as the majority of liquid should.
- Unpleasant odors around your house.
- Build-up of aquatic weeds or algae in the lake adjacent to your property. This may indicate that nutrient-rich septic system waste is leaching into the lake.
Upgrading Your System
Just like your house roof, driveway, or furnace, septic systems require upgrades and possibly replacement. Expect that a properly designed and installed septic system will require at least upgrading every 20 to 30 years. While some older systems may have met standards when they were installed, upgrades and replacements will take advantage of the tremendous advances developed to improve wastewater treatment. Due to lot size, topography or proximity to the lake a tight tank, which holds the household wastewater until pumping and has no drain field, may be a better alternative in some cases.No amount of maintenance or good operating practices can make up for an inadequate or malfunctioning septic system. With the health of our families and Lake Singletary in mind, it’s time to take an honest look at our own septic system design, function and maintenance plan.
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