LSWA Projects

Status: 100% Complete
Project Manager: Karen LeBlanc (508) 865-4977
As part of the LSWA Lake Management Plan (to be completed early 2014), it is important to understand the levels of nutrients being fed into our lake (nutrient loading) as well as the sources of those nutrients. One of the studies being conducted is the amount of nutrients that we produce by our very own everyday living, which of course is disposed through our sinks, toilets, showers, washers, and then into our septic systems that eventually leach through the ground into the lake. The information being collected from this septic system survey will be used by the Geosyntec scientists to determine the amount of nutrients we produce. Below you will also find other interesting facts: Out of the 209 homeowners surveyed on and around the lake, 159 (75%) responded, that is fantastic!