LSWA Projects
Status: 100% Complete
Project Manager: Dick Norlin (508) 865-2581
In 2001 LSWA applied for and was awarded a fourth DEM Small Lakes and Ponds Grant.
The project budget was $22.4K, with $9.5K coming from the state, $4.7K from the Town of Sutton, and the balance of $8.2K from LSWA.
LSWA contracted with ACT to investigate the impact of the Stockwell ponds system on Lake Singletary’s water quality. According to the 1991 Diagnostic Study, tributary inflow accounts for about 19% of phosphorus inputs into the lake.
The Stockwell Ponds study found that phosphorus inputs from the upstream ponds were very low due to the ponds acting as retention basins, and recommended that the Association focus its efforts on improving storm water quality.
The ponds remain a source of concern since the dam structures are not being maintained, and any change in water levels can affect Lake Singletary.
A portion of these funds was also used for our volunteer water quality monitoring program and to perform treatment for Eurasian watermilfoil.