LSWA Projects
Status: 100% Complete
Project Manager: Dick Norlin (508) 865-2581
In 1999 LSWA applied for and was awarded a third DEM Small Lakes and Ponds Grant.
The project budget was $23,150, with $10K of the funds coming from the state, $5K each from Sutton and Millbury, and the remaining $3.15K raised by LSWA.
LSWA contracted with Beta Engineering to complete a Wastewater Facilities Plan. The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated wastewater management plan for the Lake Singletary watershed. According to the 1991 Diagnostic Study, septic systems account for about 35% of phosphorus inputs into the lake.
The plan was submitted to Millbury and used to assist in planning the expanded sewers along West Millbury Road and Singletary Road. It will hopefully be used to assist Sutton in expanding town sewers along West Sutton Road.
A portion of these funds was also used to acquire equipment for our volunteer water quality monitoring program and perform treatment for Eurasian watermilfoil.